
  h = "Hello";
  value = 4;
  helloWorld = "${h} ${toString value} the win!"; (1)
1 interpolation of the toString builtin function to convert an int value
[ 123 ./foo.nix "abc" (f { x = y; }) ]
Attribute Set
let x = 12;
    y = 34;
    f = {n}: 5 + n;
rec {
  r = { inherit x y; (1)
    text = "Hello";
    add = f { n = 56; }; (2)
  sum = r.add + r.y;
  hello = r.text or "World"; (3)
  b = r ? x; (4)
1 when defining a set it is often convenient to copy variables from the surrounding lexical scope
2 all ; are mandatory
3 Sets accessor using .
Default using or
4 does the record 'r' contains an attribute 'x' ?
pattern: body
# `min` and `max` are available in stdenv.lib
min = x: y: if x < y then x else y; (1)
1 pattern is a func returning a func (2 arguments)
{stdenv, fetchurl, perl, ... }: (1)

  stdenv.mkDerivation { (2)
    name = "hello-2.1.1";
1 pattern is a set of arguments
the 'ellipsis' (…​) allows the passing of a bigger set, one that contains more than the 3 required arguments.
2 function call passing a set as argument
Common functions
listToAttrs (1)
  [ { name = "foo"; value = 123; }
    { name = "bar"; value = 456; }
1 alike fromList from Haskell except there is no tuple type in Nix
with e1; e2

Introduces all attributes of the set e1 into the lexical scope of the expression e2:

let as = { x = "foo"; y = "bar"; };
foobar = with as; x + y
Optional argument
{ x, y ? "foo", z ? "bar" }: z + y + x (1)
1 a function that only requires an attribute named x, but optionally accepts y and z.
Merge sets
e1 // e2 # merge e1 and e2 with e2 taking precedence in case of equally named attribute
Logical implication
e1 -> e2 (1)
1 if e1 is false, return true else check that e2 is true otherwise return false (in order word return e2). Useful with assert