

shake avoids rebuilding when it is not necessary. To achieve this goal, it needs to know about files dependencies. Let’s take as an example, the task of running a test suite.

In the following example you will need to define dependencies in steps as such:

  1. You need to display a test report, let’s call it 'build.last'

  2. Building build.last requires calling an external command for each nodes.

buildDir = "_build"

main = shakeArgs shakeOptions{shakeFiles=buildDir </> "_shake"} $ do

  daemon <- liftIO $ initDaemon pref (1)

  "test" ~> do (2)
    content <- readFile' (buildDir <> "/build.last") (3)
    putNormal content
    let hasFailure = any (\i -> "x" `isPrefixOf` i) (lines content)
    if hasFailure
      then fail "The build has failed !"
      else liftIO $ putDoc (dullgreen "All green." <> line)

  buildDir <> "/build.last" %> \out -> do
    Right nx <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ getNodes pdbapi QEmpty
    let deps = [ buildDir <> "/" <> Text.unpack n <> ".node" | n <- nx ^.. traverse.nodeInfoName]
    need deps
    Stdout stdout <- quietly $ cmd ("cat"::String) deps
    writeFileChanged out stdout

  buildDir <> "//*.node" %> \out -> do
    let node = dropDirectory1 (dropExtension out)
    facts <- liftIO $ mergeFacts (pref ^. prefFactsDefault) (pref ^. prefFactsOverride) <$> F.puppetDBFacts (Text.pack node) pdbapi
    r <- liftIO $ getCatalog daemon (Text.pack node) facts
    deps <- liftIO $ Set.fromList .HM.keys <$> getStats (parserStats daemon)
    need $ Text.unpack <$> Set.toList deps
    case r of
      S.Right _ ->
        liftIO $ withFile out WriteMode (\h -> hPutDoc h ( dullgreen "✓" <+> text node <> line))
      S.Left msg ->
        liftIO $ withFile out WriteMode (\h -> hPutDoc h ( char 'x' <> space <> red (text node) <> line <> indent 2 (getError msg) <> line))
1 Each build would execute this line TODO: Is there a way to avoid this ?
2 One of the top target. It is a phony rule because it does not produce anything. <3>